Your meeting with Bryan Kelsey, the founder of LO Genius, and HomeZoop
Listen To This!
Will Other Loan Offices Just Step Aside?
To get started, I would like to ask if you agree with this question. Would you agree that at least 90% of “Productive Realtors” already have a relationship with a loan officer?
And that being said, we believe this is a “Game of Take Away.” Each day, “LOs pursue new relationships with producing agents” and “protect those they have from other aggressive LOs.” In other words, LOs have to play offensive and defensive. Would you agree with that statement?
Is It Time To Build Your Dream Team?
There are 3 types of agents. There is the MEGA-PRODUCER, earning over $150,000 per year (perhaps up to $1,000,000). Then there is the MID-LEVEL, earning $50,000 to $150,000 and then the MODERATE-LEVEL, earning just $10,000 to $50,000 per year.
Perhaps you are already prepared for this, or members on your team are already experts in approaching, equipping, and building relationships with Realtors at every level. Tomorrow, if you have a meeting with 3 agents, one at each level, would they find what you have to offer “so intriguing, so compelling, so informative” that they would “consider leaving their current LO?”
Are You Equipped? Are You Compelling?
The goal in building your DREAM TEAM, is to build it in a reasonable time. Is what you are doing slow and ineffective? Most LOs state, “I can get first meetings with agents, but the flow of leads does not start, so I have to find more agents to have first meetings with, and the flow does not start, it is never-ending.”
Stop Trying To Meet Two Realtors Per Week!
Imagine a proven program for Loan Officers designed by Realtors. Learn how to effectively communicate with Realtors, and earn their referral business and undying loyalty. Ideally, LOs stop trying the HIT AND RUN method of meeting agents, but not building a relationship. If you don’t mind, it is safe to say, most LOs are from MARS, and agents are from VENUS. (taken from the book in the 1980s)
We Know What Works, And What Doesn’t.
When you build your DREAM TEAM of agents, you will no longer need to invest time with more and more agents. Is your goal $1,000,000 per month? If yes, then all that is needed is about 7-10 productive agent relationships.
Are you capable of more, would you like to add another 1-2 million per month? If yes, let’s get together, address a few more questions, let’s talk about what “adding value means to Venus.” Let’s build your DREAM TEAM.
Get More Agent Sit Downs!
Venus Won’t Answer Your Call?
We equip the Loan Officer with actual products, systems, and tools agents use to increase their productivity and daily efficiencies so they want to take your meetings.