Instructions for Doing Full Analysis


You will need information from email sent to you regarding this task, Make sure that address when entered isn’t limiting results pulled (may require removing a +4 in the zip code, for example)
POCAT (Pending, Option, Contigent, Active, Taken off Market/Pulled & Noted)
Open Maris/MLS website and Sign In using your login credentials
From the main window select the My Matrix tab on navigation bar at top of screen and select Saved Searches from dropdown
In the critieria window that opens start with selecting Sale in the transaction field then enter the Radius for this search (1, 5 or 25mi) and enter Address of client’s property
In the Status field select only what is asked for (ones with brackets in Conceptboard) for example [Subdivision]
Once results have been generated, select ALL in the results window then Print and choose Single Line then copy and paste that under the specific heading on Cycle 1 in Conceptboard
Follow search requests for each heading shown and upload information under those specific headings in the Conceptboard for this property
Pull all searches contained in email sent to you (will be at least 1A-1E)
Failed/Sold section insert Agent_Only_Format sheets for described examples pulled.
Once each search has been completed, check with HBA Manager about adding additional comments/recommendations.
Forward the Conceptboard link to Listing Agent and Bryan using Conference Call template.
Analyst Comments/Recommendation
Primary properties that are posted in pdf section is primary properties displayed for sold/fails would be from c and d
active/under contract ideally be from subdivision reality says you will looking first from subdivision, second pull from one mile radius
inside and outside subdivision…header says within and outside of (active and under contract)

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