Welcome: Tampa, Des Moines, and Springfield!

“The Equipper”- Building Your Dream Team of Agents

Right now, in your market, approximately 1.7% of the REALTORS close 20 or more buyer-controlled transactions. Yet there is often 100’s or over 1000 loan officers.

“If you want change, be the one that does it.”

In your effort to close $1,000,000 more per month, it will require personal growth on your part. Not the agents. It will require that you don’t host agent workshops, rather that you lead them. You want to take away referrals from other loan officers? It will require personal growth.

The program we are presenting will equip you with how to approach agents at all production levels, what to say when you are interacting, how to follow up with them, and more importantly, how to add value to them at their income levels so that you become their referral partners.

Of course, the challenge is that most “productive agents” already have some type of relationship with an existing LO and that LO is not just going to back down. The other LOs will fight to retain those relationships.

We are confident that we can help you build a team of 10 agent referral partners.

If you were dedicated, committed to a plan, could you build your Dream Team of ideal referral partners in this next season of your life?

Just one new referral partner per month will change your life. Possibly be a pipeline for years. And once the relationship begins, it must be protected from the 100’s of other loan officers that will be knocking on the agent’s door offering Zillow, lunch and a ticket to the game.

Our program, THE EQUIPPER is not just the procurement of an agent relationship, it is protection against the competitor that wants to play takeaway.

1.0 Host Agent Workshops

If REALTORS are the loan officers sales force, responsible for 40-70% of the LOs monthly income, “Who is the loan officer?”

Historically, the LO is a vendor. Here to receive a referral. With THE EQUIPPER program, the LO is the “Equipper of the Agent”, helping them improve their skill sets in key areas of communication.

No longer stand in the back of events and pay for lunch, be up front and be the educator. Be the expert in the room.

“Personal productivity, higher income will be in direct proportion to your personal growth.”

Our 30-45 minutes agent workshops are specific to agents at different income levels. The Mid-level agent wants to know, “When should I hire my first buyers agent?” Or, “How do I create a job description for an admin assistant?” The mega agnet wants to know “How do I land another productive pipeline of buyers?” and lastly the entry level agents wants to know “How do I become more effective at an open house?”

If you are a person with limiting beliefs, you are possibly saying, “Agents won’t listen to a loan officer, or that I’m not able to learn the material.”

Our workshops are 95% “question-based.” If you can read a book to a child, you can lead a question-based workshop. Each question leads the agents to participate and provide feedback. Which in turn, leads to the next question.

Each workshop ends with a solution, an idea, or to an “individual sit-down” with the agent and you.

Workshop Topics

• How to hire your first buyer’s agent (Mid-Level agent)

• How to hold an effective open house to convert buyers (Entry level)

• Mastering the building inspection resolution (All levels)

• Getting a price reduction from a reluctant seller (All levels)

• Presenting an employee benefit realty workshop to a corporation (Mega level)

• How to promote and hold a buyer seminar (All levels)

• How to win a listing interview when you are competing (All levels)

• Mastering Social Media (Entry and Mid level)

• Winning the FSBO and Expired listings (Entry and Mid-level)

What is the one thing you need to get 50 more loans this year?

Get More Agent Sit-Downs

Will Venus not return your voicemails? We equip the Loan Officer with actual products, systems, and tools agent use to increase their productivity and daily efficiencies, so they want to take your meetings. Learn how to meet, converse with, and land a new referral partner. You have always wanted something different! This is it!

“Vendors sit on the sidelines waiting for the referral,

Equippers get involved in building their referral partners skill sets.

Which are you?”

2.0 Showcase Your Brand

Run Your Own Report

Select – REALTOR and St. Louis Market

MLSID: Scott

Address: 718 Mark Wesley Ballwin, MO 63021

Price: $400,000

SqFt: 3,100

3.0 Individual 1 on 1 Strategic Sitdowns

Certified Instructor HomeZoop

We have a series called Collaborative Conversations

  • Review your listing interview to make it unbeatable
  • Seller servicing conversation to achieve price reductions
  • Strategizing on hiring and delegating to your first assistant
  • Co-dominating a geographic farm
  • Evaluating your Zillow, Listing Booster lead conversion systems


Are you a bit intrigued? Let’s have a conversation. We have questions about your goals, possible obstacles you have and see if you are a candidate for THE EQUIPPER program. It is a mindset shift. It requires personal growth and an investment in time. John Maxwell said, “People don’t have time-management issues, rather they have priority management issues.”

Let’s book a time right now, that is if you believe this program may help you exceed your goals.

4.0 Option: Recruiting – Is It Important To You?

Would you like to expand your sales force and shorten the “chase cycle?” We have two systems that will notify you when LOs are running reports in our system.

We have 3 AGENT-DRIVEN reports that are interesting to most loan officers. First is the “Agent ranking each week.” Knowing who is closing the greatest majority of buyer transactions.

Secondly, the “Zip Code report” reveals which area has the highest concentration of buyers and what areas has an oversupply of sellers. Thirdly, we produce for all loan officers the “Agent Sunday open house report.”

This allows the loan officers easy access to a “first date” with an agent thereby eliminating the lengthy chase cycle. (#3 is dependent on the MLS in your city.)

Additionally, loan officers with your competitors can produce BUYER and SELLER reports even if you’re on the exclusive program in your city. Thus you get to know the number of reports they produce and the mortgage price point they are working in.

You will be able to monitor the activities of other loan officer interests.

We get the attention of the LO, they inquire “how can they do our program with their agent referral partners” and you have an opportunity to cast the vision for the benefits of working on your team. Our objective is to create “warm introductions” to you of loan officers looking for something better.

This Recruiting support along with our Agent Portfolio Program are optional programs.


5.0 Option: Portfolio Management

Increased productivity in every field, is often tied to observation and accountability. Our Portfolio Management will eliminate excuses, phrases such as, “I don’t know what I would say if I had an agent sit down” and other challenges LOs have with procuring agent meetings and knowing what to say that is actually of value to the agent.

Bryan Kelsey

Bryan Kelsey


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