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You Want The Secret To Win More Listings Right? It’s Free!

Welcome to your demonstration of your Homezoop Pricing Presentation!

The easiest yet most powerful presentation to win more properly priced listings

HomeZoop Is Effective

Imagine some of the highest producing agents in the USA putting together an easy to use “Pricing Presenation.” That combined with some pschology, and you have the best possible listing/pricing presentation.

“I could not get an overly needed price reduction until I reviewed the Homezoop workshop. The next day I got a 25k price drop and we sold in 3 days after that.” 

Robert, KW

“I had lost 3 listings in a row during the listing interview. It was so painful to get turned down. Thank you HZ for the amazing free program. I have won 8 out of my 10 interviews. Your strategy made all the difference.”

Bethany, CB

How To Present The Report

There are just a few questions as we begin.

  1. Do you handle mostly local sellers or relocation accounts? 
  2. Do you regularly carry 2-3 listings, 5-7, 10+?
  3. Would you say, on a scale of 1-10, that obtaining price reductions comes easy to you, or are you occasionally met with resistance?
  4. ?

In 2020 Quantum Leap

If you would find it beneficial, we would appreciate the opportunity to review your 2020 business plan. Our expertise is helping agents create
* effective lead pipelines
* build listing inventories

What is your greatest challenge?

Ready To Active Your Free Account?

To Run Your First Report Give us:

“Nothing is more important in a real estate agent’s career than the mastery of pricing and persuasion.”

Bryan Kelsey

Founder, HomeZoop

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