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While sellers set the price of a home, buyers determine the value. HomeZoop interprets the trends.
Why is HomeZoop So Effective?
Imagine some of the highest producing agents in the USA putting together an easy to use “Pricing Presenation.” That combined with some pschology, and you have the best possible listing/pricing presentation.
practical APPLICATIONS for
Real Estate Agents
As a real estate agent, would you agree, the goal is to have an edge over your competitor that helps you win every listing?
It’s not about the software, nor the data! It’s about how the seller reacts to your presentation.
Our goal is to equip you, the Realtor to obtain properly priced listings when competing with other agents and when the Realtor faces sellers that are not objective about their asking price.
Never know what to say during the “seller servicing” period? You will be amazing and be equipped with the “right reasons” for obtaining price reductions.
What is at stake, if you don’t get the listing? Or you do get it, but at the wrong price?
If another agent gets the listing, they get the seller when they become the buyer. They also get the lifetime of referrals. The #1 hiring criteria for homesellers “is can you demonstrate your knowledge for the area and their asking price.”
Schedule Your Free Coaching Consulation Today!
“Breakthroughs are the results of awareness, improvements and execution.”
Would you like to have a career consultation by a Realtor that grossed over $100,000 per month for 5 years?
Breakthroughs are the results of awareness. They occur when you become equipped! If you desire massive income increases, then book your session now!
practical APPLICATIONS for
Loan Officers
If you would like to understand agents better which will lead to more referrals, and serve buyers better, which will lead to more referrals, then let’s understand the real estate marketplace the mortgages come from.
The Instant Formula for Access to Agents
“Agents won’t take meetings with me.” “I can get first sit downs, I just can’t get referrals.” These are frequent comments stated by LOs across the nation. Get equipped to have meaningful agent sit-downs that create the referral pipelines. Learn what motivates the most productive agents. It’s not your loan processing – it’s your business partnering. It’s your move!
Are you tired of buyers asking you, “Hey, what’s your rate?” We can equip you to have a different level of conversation with buyers.
Agents constantly help buyers with their home selection, but also positive or negative trends in the market. Clearly, agents represent 50-60-70% of a loan officer’s purchase business, would you like to be equipped to speak with agents regarding one of their most important activities?
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