Properties Still For Sale – The Buyers Perspective
Is this Active price right based on it’s DOM? Essentially, what price should it be at in order to sell in the next 2 weeks?
Is this Active superior to your property features – about equal – or inferior to your property?

Future Comps
These properties will be “future closed sales comparables.”
The question is, based on their current asking price, what would you estimate it may be under contract for?
Which of these is – superior – about equal – inferior?

Expired, Withdrawn, Cancelled
Did these properties fail, because of the agent’s marketing plan or the asking price was wrong?
If it was the asking price as why they did not sell, “what price would have been correct?”
Which of these is – superior – about equal – inferior?

The Appraiser’s Persceptive
Buyers will analyze sold properties – yet they know very little about their features.
Which of these is – superior – about equal – inferior?